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Text 483


Note from the translators: The following short text survives from various reconstructions from what has survived on skin fragments and an inscription on one monument. The stories in such literature might have emerged on Chinchillum originally through oral traditions prior to being recorded in formal written language(s). The translators have tried to keep as much accuracy as possible. The text has now been organized into 'verses' in the translated text.















Before all else, there was Lishga.

He was the All before there were the many.

From his shed fur grew the first clumps.

These became the planets.

One of the clumps woke unto Tootwin the Muscular.

Lishga found Tootwin worthy of his might and power.

He seeded her womb and they bore a daughter.

But her weakness disappointed Lishga and he ate her soul.

Tootwin then had a son.

10 Lishga’s son was also feeble, so he ate his soul.

11 Then, Tootwin birthed a son and a daughter.

12 They were stars. Lishga witnessed their strength.

13 He said to them, ‘DANCE IN LOVE AND MULTIPLY.’

14 They obeyed their father and the universe expanded in delight.

15 Tootwin’s fourth birthing gave existence to Glishar the Bold.

16 That is why we now have four graduations, four battle entries, four degrees, four fighters, and four corners of our city. 17 Lishga told Glishar, ‘SPILL YOU SEED ONTO THE MOUNTAINS AND INCREASE OUR LEGACY UPON THE PLANETS.’ 18 Glishar did according to Lishga’s command and Lishga meditated in his joy.

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Alexander James Guckenberger
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