Key Terms
The All​
The All is a held position of ruling power, similar to a king or a president.
Andrew Williams
Andrew Williams is a fairly influential, but not utterly world-famous, reporter. He is well-known for his call to action in the aftermath of the Chinchilla Invasion of Earth.
Chinchilla Invasion​
The Chinchilla Invasion often refers to the invasion and attempted take-over of Earth by the Venusian Chinchillas. Vishnar (i.e., Vishna), the Chinchillum All and political head, is the primary military authority of this invasion and attack.
Chinchillum is the city of the Venusian Chinchilla race, but Chinchillum can also refer to Venus’ nation of Chinchilla-kind and civilization.
Chinchillum History
Shamans initially passed down their stories through an oral tradition. As time
progressed, the shamans became scribes who wrote down their histories onto
the dried skins of the bodies of victims whose souls had already been eaten.
Chinchillum National Anthem​
The national anthem of Chinchillum is a simple and unifying song of only three succinct, yet straightforward and meaningful, verses. Those verses go as follows:
“We are Chinchillum. We are Chinchillum.
The land where we were born. The land where we were born.
We are Chinchillum. We are… Chinchillum.”
Chinchillum Religion
Although there are variations in the religious traditions of the
Venusian Chinchillas, there is often a relatively high level of conformity
regarding the religious beliefs and attitudes of the Chinchillas from
Venus. This is likely due in part to the unifying contributions of
the All of Chinchillum. Shamans initially passed down their stories
through an oral tradition. As time progressed, the shamans became
scribes who wrote down their histories onto the dried skins of the
bodies of victims whose souls had already been eaten.
The number four holds a heavy and impactful significance in Chinchillum cultures, practices, and beliefs. Glishar the Bold was from a fourth birthing and there are
"... four graduations, four battle entries, four degrees, four fighters, and four corners of our city."
-from, Text 483
Glishar the Bold is a historical/mythological figure in the ancient histories of Chinchillum.
Invasion of Earth
The invasion of Earth by the Venusian Chinchillas was not initially taken seriously by many who encountered them. This changed with a drastic rapidity – often within minutes. By the time that the word began to spread, thousands had already died at the paws of the Chinchillas from Venus.
Lishga is a historical/mythological figure in Venusian Chinchilla tradition. As one surviving ancient text reads:
"He was the All before there were the many."
The idea of a first All could be considered to be archetypical. However, without further archeological investigation, it remains uncertain as to whether or not Lishga was indeed a real and historical living Chinchilla.
Lishga is also generally thought of in terms of something of a creator-god.
Lord Kyle
Lord Kyle fought in the Earthen resistance.
The Many
The many are the subjects of the All. That is, the many is a term that refers to Chinchillum's populace minus, or with exception to, the All.
Martian Cats
The Martian Cats want Earth for its resources. The Venusian Chinchillas want it for its human souls, which the Chinchillas from Venus claim to have brought forth for that purpose. Despite unaltering confidence from both sides of this divide, the Chinchillas of Venus and the Martian Cats do actually pose very real threats to one another in terms of their capabilities.
Praying Mantis Charriots
One mode of transportation for
the Venusian Chinchillas is the
chariot. Their chariots are driven
and flown by giant praying
mantises. The mantises can fly
through the skies while they pull
their chariots.
Soul Eating
The Chinchillas from Venus came to Earth to eat human souls. It is unclear whether or not the shriveling and severe drying of the skin, among other effects, during soul-eating claims truly constitute anything comparable to the actual consumption of a soul. Regardless, the Chinchillas from Venus are overwhelmingly and generally certain that this is what is happening during some of their specific murderous attacks.
Text 483
This is something similar to scriptures for many Venusian Chinchillas, especially within the barriers of Venus' most populated and influential city. It is speculated by some that the text survived for so long largely because it was eventually titled a number that begins with four (a very impactful number in Chinchillum cultures). Ancient works, like the hypothetical Text 351, might have been abandoned during a time of religious fervor (and perhaps even reformation), when texts that had not been designated with a starting number of four may have been given less care or even destroyed.
Read the complete translated text here.
Tootwin the Muscular
Tootwin the muscular was a historical/mythological Chinchilla. She is comparable to figures like the Abrahamic Adam or the Filipino Malakas or Maganda, serving the Venusian Chinchilla creation story as something akin to the first Chinchilla female. As has been written:
"But her weakness disappointed Lishga and he ate her soul."
As is a common proto-type to the surname, ancient documents like Text 483 contain names with added descriptors. This kind of defining of a person could help the ancient Chinchillas of Venus to distinguish between, for example, one Chinchilla named Tootwin and another also named Tootwin. Similar developments in naming traditions are speculated in regard to the family names for the species Homo sapiens on Earth.
Venusian Chinchillas
The Chinchilla race from Venus have sharp teeth and deep voices. Their morality does not necessarily match human ethics. Although it is worth noting that the people of Earth keep Earthen Chinchilla-kind as prisoners in cages. Vishnar will judge. The Chinchillas from Venus can shoot lasers from their eyes.
Venusian Chinchilla, Chinchilla, Chinchilla from Venus, and Chinchilla of Venus are all terms that are capitalized herein to indicate race. On Earth, races have often been associated with countries or continents. This could be suggested to be one of the reasons that Earth races (such as White, Black, Hispanic, Ethiopian, Aryan, etc.) have become capitalized more frequently in certain samples from Earth's English texts, since there has already been a long English tradition of capitalizing the names of continents and countries. As Chinchillum's principal denizens find strength and meaning in unity, Venusian Chinchillas do not divide racially from slight variations in colors, sizes, shapes, and so on. For the Chinchillas of Venus, there are the Venusian Chinchillas, the Earth Chinchillas, the Martian Cats, and the Earth Humans.
Vishnar is sometimes known as Vishna, especially within certain small rural
territories outside of the city’s perimeter. Vishnar is the current head of the
Venusian Chinchilla race and governing body. The All is a held position of ruling
power, similar to a king or a president.